On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 3:05 PM Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 1:19 AM Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:
> > Those are *suggestions* of what you should run. It doesn't do
> > anything, and obviously you shouldn't do `git switch HEAD`.
> > The error message is pretty much telling you what to do:
> >   git push hg-remote remotes/origin/modernize:refs/heads/modernize
> > Why didn't you try that?
>  I did, but the commits where pushed as bookmarks not as named-branches

     git push hg-remote remotes/origin/modernize:refs/heads/braces/modernize

> I thought
> git config remote.hg-remote.push 'refs/heads/*:refs/heads/branches/*'
> Would have the effect that I don't need to run
> git push hg-remote  
> remotes/origin/hairyblocks:refs/heads/hairyblocks:branches/hairyblocks

Only if you don't specify the refspec, which is the typical way to push.

    git push hg-remote hairyblocks

That would be translated to a refspec:

    git push hg-remote refs/heads/hairyblocks:refs/heads/branches/hairyblocks

But if you are already specifying the refspec, nothing gets translated.

> Or whatever it is.
> I am deeply confused.
> I understood the first (cumbersome) method
>     1. Set up remote: git remote add hg-remote 
> hg::../mercurial-matlab-emacs-default/
>     2. Checkout each remote branch
>     3. Run, for example git push default:/branches/default
> So I thought running
> git config remote.hg-remote.push 'refs/heads/*:refs/heads/branches/*'
> Would shorten
> the command
> git push default:/branches/default
> To
> git push default

It does, but you haven't created the local branches, soyou can't do
`git push foo`, if "foo" doesn't exist.

> If I checkout each branch and push them then everything seems find but
> suppose I had 100 branches, I need to checkout each, well....

But you are going to need to do that only once.

> > But you can clone it once, set up all the branches once, push all the
> > branches ini order once, and forget about that step.
> > After that you can just pull from one repo and push to another.

Felipe Contreras

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