This is a simplified scenario of klibc vs klibc-kbuild HPA had
trouble with, to help us think of a way to solve this
interesting merge problem.

         #1 - #3 - #5 - #7
       /    /         /
    #0 - #2 - #4 - #6

There are two lines of developments.  #0->#2 renames F to G and
introduces K.  #0->#1 keeps F as F and does not introduce K.

At commit #3, #2 is merged into #1.  The changes made to the
file contents of F between #0 and #2 are appreciated, but the
renaming of F to G and introduction of K were not.  So commit #3
has the resulting merge contents in F and does not have file K.
This _might_ be different from what we traditionally consider a
'merge', but from the use case point of view it is a valid thing
one would want to do.

Commit #4 is a continued development from #2; changes are made
to G, and K has further changes.  Commit #5 similarly is a
continued development from #3; its changes are in F and K does
not exist.

We are about to merge #6 into #5 to create #7.  We should be
able to take advantage of what the user did when the merge #3
was made; namely, we should be able to infer that the line of
development that flows #0 .. #3 .. #7 prefers to keep F as F,
and does not want the newly introduced K.  We should be able to
tell it by looking at what the merge #3 did.

Now, how can we use git to figure that out?

First, given our current head (#5) and the other head we are
about to merge (#6), we need a way to tell if we merged from
them before (i.e. the existence of #3) and if so the latest of
such merge (i.e. #3).

The merge base between #5 and #6 is #2.  We can look at commits
between us (#5) and the merge base (#2), find a merge (#3),
which has two parents.  One of the parents is #2 which is
reachable from #6, and the other is #1 which is not reachable
from #6 but is reachable from #5.  Can we say that this reliably
tells us that #2 is on their side and #1 is on our side?  Does
the fact that #3 is the commit topologically closest to #5 tell
us that #3 is the one we want to look deeper?

This is still handwaving, but assuming the answers to these
questions are yes, we have found that the 'previous' merge is
#3, that #1 is its parent on our side, and that #2 is its parent
on their side.

Then we can ask 'diff-tree -M #2 #3' to see what `tree
structure` changes we do _not_ want from their line of
development, while slurping the contents changes from them.
When making the tree to put at #7, just like I outlined to my
previous message to HPA, we can first create a tree that is a
derivative of #6 with only the structural changes detected
between #2 and #3 (which are 'rename from G to F' and 'removal
of K') applied.  Similarly, we make another derivative, this
time of #2, with only the structural changes to adjust it to
'our' tree (again, 'rename from G to F' and 'removal of K').
Then we can run 3-way git-read-tree like this:

    git-read-tree -m -u '#2-adjusted' '#5' '#6-adjusted'

The last part, using the structurally adjusted tree as the
merge-base tree, is what I forgot to do in the previous message
to HPA.


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