Am 2/28/2014 0:38, schrieb Lee Hopkins:
>> If I understand the issue correctly, the problem is that packed-refs
>> are always case-sensitive, even if core.ignorecase=true. OTOH,

core.ignorecase is intended to affect filenames of the worktree, not
anything else, BTW.

>> checking / updating _unpacked_ refs on a case-insensitive file system
>> is naturally case-insensitive. So wouldn't it be a better workaround
>> to disallow packed refs (i.e. 'git config gc.packrefs false')?
> You are correct, the issue boils down to mixing the usage of 
> packed-refs and loose refs on case insensitive file systems. So either 
> always using packed-refs or always using loose refs would take care of 
> the problem. Based Michael Haggerty's response, it seems that always 
> using loose refs would be a better workaround.

So, everybody on a case-insensitive file system should pay the price even
if they do not need the "feature"? No way.

If you are on a case-insensitive filesystem, or work on a cross-platform
project, ensure that you avoid ambiguous refs. Problem solved.

-- Hannes
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