On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Benjamin Scott <dragonh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  There is definitely a chicken-and-egg problem when it comes to games
> on Linux.  Game publishers don't target Linux because there are few

There have been a couple of great releases specifically targeting
Linux as a platform.  I'm thinking of Unreal, EVE, and Farcry (i

It's only a couple of examples, but as I recall, when Unreal and
Unreal Tournament released, they were pretty solid and quite popular.
The lag in releases was minimal from the Windows versions.  They even
had Tux on the box, proudly stating that it ran on Linux.  However, it
was also much harder to install.  Copy what where?  run what as root?
Where's my Menu entry?!

With all of the differing distros, and all of the different ways to
install software (without compiling) it's hard for any releasing
company to package for "Linux" as a whole.  They should just go the
way that Oracle went and say that they're going to support
Fedora/Redhat, or Ubuntu/Debian, but they didn't and it only added to
the frustration.  Then there's the Sound integration...  You've got
Pulse over here, eSound on that guy, he's playing with ALSA, and OSS
keeps asking for another can of Coke...


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