On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Ben Eisenbraun <b...@klatsch.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 06:12:53PM -0500, Star wrote:
> > There have been a couple of great releases specifically targeting Linux
> > as a platform.  I'm thinking of Unreal, EVE, and Farcry (i think?)
> There have been some.  I remember playing Tribes 2 during lunch on the
> linux workstations in the NOC.  Id has historically been good about
> releasing its games for Linux, but then the driver problem arises.  Even
> with the binary Nvidia driver, you can expect a 25-50% drop in frame rate
> on the same hardware switching between linux and Windows.

I've played Doom on SGI Irix FWIW.  Doom was everywhere.

> There's just not enough of a market for linux games for the publishers to
> port their games and for the hardware manufacturers to spend time tuning
> their drivers for linux.
Don't most publishers focus on the consoles?  Playstation, Xbox, Wii, DS,
PSP and iPhone?  The end platform is consistant and not changing.

Anyway, I think if Apple makes it as a gaming platform, it will be because
> they made it as a mainstream OS first.  (Or possibly because they used the
> mobile gaming arena as the fulcrum upon which they levered game developers
> on to OS X.)
That mainstream OS is probably the iPhone OS, not MacOSX.
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