Benjamin Scott wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Bruce Labitt
> <> wrote:
>> OpenCV appears to require a good C++ background,
>> which I don't have now. ... Any advice?
>   Tell your employer you need some C++ training in order to do your
> job effectively.
>   Or if you're afraid they'll terminate you and hire someone else,
> seek learning on your own time and dime.
> -- Ben
It isn't like I can do NO C++, I did write an FFT server running on a 
QS22 with OpenMP (multi-core threads) FFTW and communicated via 
sockets.  I wrote that in C++ creating a sockets/com class, and a 
command processor/sequencer, class, etc. 

However, I don't think in C++.  Training wouldn't hurt!  (I don't know 
where the time would come from, but it seems everyone has that 
problem.)  Oh, and a lot of practice.  I don't know about you, but the 
only way things actually get into my cortex matter, is practice, 
practice, practice, in that order.

As for hiring someone else, I've begged my management to get me some 
help here.  Surprising to some, I actually know a few things :)  
However, being a hotshot C++ programmer is not one of those things yet.  
I'm working on it, groaning a lot though....  Sorry to subject you to it...

Umm, so, do you know anything about OpenCV?  Good? Bad?  Easy to use?  
Stinks for <insert x> ?


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