On 05/21/2010 06:51 PM, Benjamin Scott wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Bruce Labitt
> <bruce.lab...@myfairpoint.net> wrote:
>> OpenCV appears to require a good C++ background,
>> which I don't have now. ... Any advice?
>   Tell your employer you need some C++ training in order to do your
> job effectively.
>   Or if you're afraid they'll terminate you and hire someone else,
> seek learning on your own time and dime.
I taught C++ at Northeastern and have been employed as a C++ software
engineer for quite a while. One of the books that I recommend is the
"C++ How to Program" series by Deitel. Harvey Deitel was supposed to be
my OS professor when I was working for my MCS degree at BU, but he went
to BC. His books are, IMHO, very complete, and while the one that I used
at NEU is aging, I still use it for reference. Another book that I liked
was the C++ Primer by Lippman and Lajoie, but I don't think it has been
updated recently.

The issue with C++ (and other OO languages) is that it is important that
you think in OO. Template classes in C++ are very powerful as is
polymorphism. The product I work with is over a million lines of C++,
and it uses polymorphism very heavily, and it is a true C++ system in
contrast to some other systems I have worked with that were C compiled
with C++ and a few classes mixed in.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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