Bill McGonigle wrote:
> On Jul 14, 2008, at 09:13, Ben Scott wrote:
>>   Keep in mind this is only for entities operating in the name of the
>> Legal Entity GNHLUG.  There's nothing keeping anyone from simply going
>> out and getting stuff done on their own.
> Perhaps it's worth figuring out then whether a SIG/whatever ought to  
> be a subunit of GNHLUG or merely affiliated with it (in order to keep  
> everybody's heads as low as possible and process to a minimum). 

Well, that's exactly what we're hoping to achieve, some simple guidance 
for SIGs that say that your structure can be part of GNHLUG if you 
follow the same strictures of being a non-profit educational charity in 
the sense of 501(c)(3) as GNHLUG is expected to be, and understand that 
the board or its designees can take on financial obligations on the part 
of GNHLUG. That might be it, right there.

Sounds like you ought to come down to Manchester and offer to help us 
with this :)

> For  
> instance, what benefit is there to having PySIG as a 'part' of GNHLUG  
> that wouldn't be otherwise satisfied under a lower regulatory  
> hurdle? 

Well, Janet's cookies might become deductible! :)

Seriously, short of a group desiring to take on a major project, all of 
this is make-work and much ado about nothing. However, when that 
opportunity comes along, it will be too late to start the process. So, 
we are trying to lay the groundwork now, and minimize the hassles to 
everyone involved.

 > I understand the benefits of having GNHLUG being a
> functional entity of the State of New Hampshire, but it might also be  
> possible to apply some UNIX-fu to keep the 'code' as small as  
> possible. 

There are surely merits to "Small Pieces Loosely Joined." But sometimes 
a simple static binding has an advantage, too. We want to consider the 
options. That's why the board meets. And to save wear and tear on the 
keyboards trying to type all of it!

 > There are certainly all kinds of models we could dream up
> where GNHLUG co-sponsors events, or whatever label makes regulatory  
> sense.

That's the basic application Arc was asking us to consider. For an 
Ubuntu SIG that will liaison with an Ubuntu LoCo, that might be the 
optimal solution. For a PySIG or a RubySIG, a tighter affiliation, 
hopefully without much hassle, might work, too. And all of these are 
subject to change and renegotiations. We just need to consider our options.

Your thoughts and suggestions, as well as all others, are welcome in 
this discussion and at the meeting. Many hands make light work.


Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
gnhlug-org mailing list

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