Awesome a GNHLUG banner and pamphlets makes prep easy on that end :-)

With Ben's table and chairs, Ted Ben and perhaps a third person, flyers,
banner, and of course the goodies in the SFD materials pack, should be all
for GNHLUG!  3 SFD tshirts are being included.

>From experience, a laptop on the table is a display thing only.  Almost
nobody sits down to actually use it, they want to talk to people instead.
Still good to have a laptop showing what it looks like for a quick glance.

We'll have Ubuntu shirts and other goodies (stickers, etc) from the LoCo
conference pack also being sent for an Ubuntu presence.  Of course if a
Fedora ambassador/etc wanted to represent a different distro it'd be more
that welcome.  Note that Canonical/Ubuntu is a main sponsor in SFD.

Still unconfirmed on the install/use workshop that evening at the Concord
>> Food Coop,
> That sounds interesting. What do you have in mind?

We'll be handing out many Ubuntu CDs earlier in the day, and will likely
have many left over, so "striking while the iron's hot" with a brief
presentation on what exactly this "Ubuntu" thing is and what people can do
with it.  We'll likely only have a handful of people come to it.

The co-op hosts workshops on different topics, in Ithaca we had a lot of
success with Greenstar ( doing similar functions there.
Co-op members tend to be a bit more conscientious about the ethics or
greater impact around the products they purchase/use, so it's a great match.
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