On Mon, 2008-08-18 at 13:19 -0400, Arc Riley wrote:
> Awesome a GNHLUG banner and pamphlets makes prep easy on that end :-)
Would you want some library books?  Use the links below for a more
complete list.  Some suggestions:
      * The Official Ubuntu Book (1st and 2nd editions)
      * Ubuntu Unleashed (6.06 and 8.04)
      * openSUSE Unleashed
      * Fedora Unleashed (5 and 8)
      * A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux (3rd edition Fedora 5)
      * Spring into Linux
      * Moving to the Linux Business Desktop
      * Point & Click Linux
      * Live Linux CDs
      * Damn Small Linux

(If there are other SFD events that want books, I assume we can figure
out a reasonably fair distribution.)

One more suggestion: I think PuppyOS works pretty well on obsolete
hardware and is easy for beginners.  It can run as a live CD or install
to a disk drive or USB stick.  I can burn some CDs if you want them.  

(Warning: So far as I know, PuppyOS runs your session as root which is
not ideal, security wise.  It should still be a nice step up from

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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