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At some point hitherto, Michael O'Donnell hath spake thusly:
> these days the boundary between the two is blurrier
> than ever) but in commodity systems I assume you'd
> agree that modems, NICs, SCSI adapters, etc are all
> examples where the corresponding SW solution would
> more or less have to suck by comparison...

Would you agree that this is not necessarily the case, if you can add
a general-purpose CPU that the OS can allocate to that task, and doing
so could have no marginal cost?  IOW, in a way, when you add one of
these devices to your system, isn't this more or less what you're
doing?  IOW, with the speed of CPUs today, does a hardware-specific
chip really have any practical functional benefit (ignoring cost,
which is not a functional benefit) over a more generalized one, for
any of these applications?

In some cases, it's cheaper to add a CPU to your system, than it is to
buy say, a hardware modem (depending on the models of each that you
chose, of course).  But the modem isn't likely to overburden your
second CPU, and it'll probably have plenty of extra cycles to spend on
other tasks.  For roughly the same amount of money (remembering that
you've got to buy the equivalent of a winmodem too), I think you
actually get more benefit out of using the more generalized hardware,
since you can use unused cycles for other purposes...  So I guess I'm
saying no, I don't necessarily agree.

Bear in mind, I acknowledge that in either case, you still have to add
hardware to your system for the solution not to suck by comparison.
But I think that doesn't diminish Ben's point, which I interpreted to
be that specialized hardware isn't necessarily inherently better than
the same task implemented in software on generalized hardware.

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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