Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Kastrup wrote:
> [...]
>> > The BSD is a contract that contains conditions and covenants for
>> > copying and preparation of derivative works (the language is a bit
>> > informal but that doesn't change anything).
>> Of course.  Those can be met while relicensing under the GPL.
> The GPL is entirely different T&C, stupid. The BSD doesn't allow
> relicensing under the GPL T&C. Only the BSD T&C apply.

There is nothing to indicate "Only" in the BSD license.  You can
obviously add your own terms.

Why do you think that Windows comes with the complete BSD network
utilities?  Stuff like pin and traceroute and so?

Why do you think that the BSD license is more popular for proprietary

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
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