On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 09:18:58 -0500, Rjack wrote:

> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>> Rjack pulled this Usenet boner:
>>> What is it with this senile creature and Terekhov? Has Pammy
>>> secretly got the hots for Terekhov? Perhaps someone will send her
>>> a "Long Dong Kong" replica vibrator so she can relax a little
>>> bit... Jeez, I fear her hair's gonna catch fire.
>> That's our "rjack".  Base troll.
> One man's troll is another man's expert . . .
> What say ye about PJ's lies?
> Sincerely,
> Rjack

The COLA morons can't discuss the topic because they are not intelligent
enough and they are still awaiting their marching orders from their leader,
Roy Schestowitz, before proceeding.
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