Hyman Rosen wrote:
> On 4/13/2010 10:49 AM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> > In essense, a plaintiff without a registration will still lose,
>  > just for different reasons.
> If the plaintiff loses for that reason, they will simply
> register the work and refile the claim.

After paying defendants attorneys fees and going bankrupt in the


P.S. "Every computer program in the world, BusyBox included, exceeds the
originality standards required by copyright law."

Hyman Rosen <hyro...@mail.com> The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. "Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress."

Hyman Rosen <hyro...@mail.com> The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
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