Unfortunately, Presidents of many expat Goan organizations, who should
have provided a leadership role in encouraging their members to maintain
their native culture, have made Goan social and cultural events a "party
place". Here the pride of place is "scotch, food and leisure". The
office bearers have followed rather than led their groups. And when one
follows the crowd, one caters to the lowest common denominator.

Most thoughtful Goans complain about these associations as being
indifferent "to things Goan" including the language, culture, traditions
and customs. One of course can also argue that "the thinkers" in the
Goan community have just elected to withdraw and be reserved, aloof,
snobbish or 'cumprumento' rather than be assertive (but polite) for a
cause they believe in. Clearly a happy and sensible median must be found
for socialization as well as true cultural interactions. Or else why
call it a Goan event? or individuals come to it if there is no better
event in town! Goans, especially our ladies, should take the lead in
developing a cultural program for the adults and the children at these
events. This is an essential part of maintaining an ethos and a Goan
community. The usual saying is, "All want to watch a good cultural
program. No one wants to take the lead and volunteer to put one on."

However when one volunteers, the President of the organizations should
seize the opportunity; rather than treat the association and the social
function as their private fiefdom. Many Goan events do not have a Master
of Ceremony.  A president is usually a good planner and organizer, but
may be a poor MC. Goans who attend the social/cultural functions do so
out of pride and out of some degree of inconvenience to support a native
event. Hence get-togethers have to be punctual, tasteful,
well-programmed and organized to reflect Goan talent, skill, ingenuity
and traditions.


Thank you Sehnor Dottore,

I sincerely hope that the above paragraphs are read by the various GOA
Presidents. I enviasge there being no problem with keeping Goan taditions
among the GOA's of the Middle East countries. This is because most of the
Goans there are temporary migrant workers from Goa. More problematic, are
the well settled and in some cases second or third generation Goans in the

The topic of having a good time was raised sometime ago by another writer
and a response from a Canadian Goan was that if merry making is not part of
the Goan psyche than what is?

This move to speak Konkani is admirable, in the Goan upper echelon in East
Africa from my recollection  - my dad used to take me to the Goan Institute
Club, no one spoke Konkani, the lingua franca was English. At home Konkani
was spoken only if the parents did not want the children to understand what
was said. So the little Konkani my generation of people know is of the
forbidden language. The Goans that spoke konkani at home were usually the
homes of the tailors, carpenters and other tradesmen. We have come a full
circle now when people of my generation regret having missed out on a big
part of our heritage. I go to the Konani tiatres and can understand some,
when they start talking high konkani I am totally at sea. When I go to Goa
though, the taxi driver who knows me, has a jolly good laugh and I am able
to make myself understood, My wife at the ready for help (she speaks

I am in agreement with you regarding the cultural side, saying that get
togethers have to be punctual (definitely not Goan) relefct Goan talent,
skill, ingenuity and traditions I am not so smart and would appreciate, as I
am sure the GOA organisations, on what you really intend us to do.
Previously you spoke of the President making a speech in Konkani. If this is
the case then by default we would loose the Presidents of the U.K. And
Canada GOAs straight away. Furthermore there are no other takers, so where
do we go. Easily said than done.

Yours sincerely,

Gabe Menezes

P.S My wife had to tell me who a travoti was - I thought it was an Italian

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