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--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Joe’s Response:
> Who are these minority extremists?  What is your
> source and proof that I 
> have chosen the side of extremists (majority or
> minority)?
Come on Joe. You have sided with the goons who
threated violence to ensure that the owners of the
INOX pulled the movie out and then attributed this as
being a democratic!

> What good is a religious following, if we cannot
> respect, have compassion
> and tolerance for one another’s religion? If I had a
> Hindu neighbor to my
> right and a muslim neighbor to my left it wouldn’t
> make a difference to me,
> for as long as we all lived in harmony with mutual
> respect for one another.
It is good that you state this. However, you seem to
contradict the above, with your support for the use of
threats and violence to impose a ban on the movie.
Totally inconsistent.

> Joe Vaz:
> Isn’t it ridiculous that you don’t even know who
> owns (or is founder of) 
> www.catholic-goan-network.net? Yet you somehow
> support it? Strange!

 > I think you need to be clear-headed Marlon, when
> write.  Check the facts 
> first, before making nonsensical allegations and
> spurious statements.  First 
> of, who tells you that I own Goan Catholic Network
> or am the founder of it? 
> In that, what do you mean by “YOUR goan catholic
> network”?
Duh, I do know who founded the network and I have even
met him. You are one of the core founding members of
the group who was involved in its setup. 

> Joe responds:
> You avoided my direct question regarding casualties.
> Wonder if you have an 
> answer to defend your specious statements.
The casualty was freedom of expression. The only
reason why there were no physical casualties was
because the owners of Inox withdrew the movie. Again,
it is a real pity that you backed the potential use of
violence to support your religious cause.
> Politician’s always make threats, are you from Mars?
>  How about the US?  Do 
> you have anything to learn from the US politics, in
> terms of threats and 
> war? Or are you deep in the Valley, not to know
> what’s going on in your own 
> backyard?
Political loud talk and manouvering is quite different
from the treat of use of physical violence against
specific individuals. Can we say Mob rule?

Marlon Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote:
>[Marlon: The server/mailing list should have no
problems handling a 
>that is much larger.]

> Joe: Good! Then this issue is NOT a (technical)
> problem.

> In a related message: Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
made a final 
“The server/mailing list should have no problems
handling a list that 
much larger. I guess it is a question of posting
repititious messages …

My statements above are quite consistent. There was no
issue with load on the server handling the volume. 
The real issue what that, we previously had dozens of
posts from goanetters wishing each other on a
particular festive occassion, thus causing major
problems for the users in Goa. We were simply being
diligent to ensure that this be avoided again. In
every public forum, there will always be some give and
take. Furthermore, with improvements and lower costs
of connectivity in Goa, this issue would no longer be
valid today. 

>Joe responds:
>Check it out yourself, Marlon!  There were a few
>posted by Goanetters– among these were messages on
>your wedding.  I, 
>however, wish you well.  The others were
>congratulatory posts 
>your organization (at least one of these
>congratulatory messages was 
>me,) to which I most certainly take no objection, --
>and were posted in 
>around the same time you raised objections regarding
>the two Dussehra 
>greetings posting.
It is very unlikely that I would have been
administering goanet and be getting married at the
same time! Furthermore, let me make it clear that I
DID NOT appreciate my personal life being made public
on goanet via those greetings that were made to me.
These posts were not initated by me, nor was I admin
at that time. Your claims that I approved posts
touting my personal life on goanet is again
fraudulant, just as your claim about yahoo groups.


Do not post admin requests to the list.
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