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>Gilbert Lawrence writes:
>Thanks for your response to my post. I am glad you kept it logical and 
>short. Hope we can maintain it that way.

Sunith responds:
First of all, you have not answered the very specific question I posed and 
instead responded with a long completely illogical sermon. So lets in the 
future keep it "logical and short". Let me repeat that question. Do you 
accept that some people need religion/written moral codes to guide them but 
others don't? or is it your contention that for society to progress everyone 
has to follow a God/written code? If not.. please list your reasons.( A Yes 
or No answer to a specific question)

>Gilbert Lawrence writes:
>That in part may be difficult to research from Panaji. You may not have 
>access to western data (or be exposed to it) unless you are well conversant 
>with US or >UK or EU statistics.  Yet you could do it with the help of 
>Santosh and Elisabeth. You live in Panaji-Goa, which may be in transition 
>from old to new society. So >you may or may not have a glimpse of the 

>BTW, is Taliban rule representative of modern or old society or neither? 
>Was Taliban rule even a society - Muslim or Afghan society?

>So before you digress (old Goanet trick), why don?t you check the data for 
>the parameters that I outlined. Then compare those end-points for a modern 
>and traditional- Goan Muslim, Hindu and Catholic societies?

Sunith responds:
All us goans living in Goa( especially Panjim, Goa) are very thankful for 
your sympathy with regards to our lack of access to statistics and data. If 
you could please point out a single source of information(except for Fox 
News of course!!) that you, Santosh or Elisabeth have access to and I dont, 
I would highly appreciate it.(Very specific question deserving of an equally 
specific answer)

If you wish to compare the parameters you mentioned only with respect to the 
the EU, UK and US please state so very explicitly. I'm sorry I was not aware 
the term society referred to Caucasian societies. Many thanks for including 
Goa as an after thought.

My post was only to prove that the parameters you mentioned were more a less 
bogus as a means for evaluating any society be it American, Goan or Afghani. 
Once again you have failed to respond to the main issue and digressed (an 
old Gilbert Lawrence trick!).

Gilbert Lawrence writes:
Good modern society to emulate is Japanese and rural US society.

Sunith responds:
W.r.t. rural US society do you mean Hill Billies, Hamish, Mormons, Quakers, 
the Una-bomber and anarchists, the Ku-Klux klan, rural Alabama?? Please be 
By Japanese do you mean the society that started WWII in Asia and later 
became famous for eating the internal organs of Allied soldiers in their 
prison camps?? Please please be more specific in the future.

Gilbert Lawrence writes:
The parameters you outline (2, 4, 5) like wars, "self determined democratic 
political systems" is a reflection of the government rather than the society 
governed.  So I hope we can talk the same semantics referenced to the same 
subject group.

Sunith responds:
Is it your contention that governments and societies are mutually exclusive 
or that they share a very high degree of correlation?? Are the terms 
democratic, secular and racist used to describe governments, societies or 
both(Another very specific question). I have heard of the terms 
"democratic/secular/racist" being used to describe societies (all the while 
being stuck in poor ignorant Panjim, Goa), have you?? Are wars a clash 
between societies or governments??
Your second statement makes no sense because the frame of reference you use 
is bogus as a means for evaluating society(I hate to repeat myself!!).

Please use your parameterss to compare Europe in the dark ages and Europe 
Please use the same parameters to compare the USA(in the slave labour years) 
and the USA of today.
Please use the same parameters to compare the R.S.A society pre and post 

You will find that most of the RATES have increased, so by your logic US 
society was better off with slavery, the South Africans with Apartheid and 
European society was better off believing the earth was flat(among many 
other things).

Today's society is spinning out of control did someone say? If yours were 
the views of the majority I would definitely agree.

Sunith Velho

P.S. I'm moving to Kings College, London in September to do my masters. I 
will then sign off London, UK instead of Panjim, Goa. Bad news buddy!!!! One 
of the pillars of your whole ill structured argument will collapse.
P.P.S. I am continuing this discussion based on my belief that you can 
provide specific answers to specific questions, if not this is my last post 
on this thread.
P.P.P.S. Sorry to use the word "specific" so many times! But I hope you get 
the idea! 

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