Hi Santosh
You might like to check the following out also.

This is from Coalition against genocide.

Please note that VHP/ RSS  has been involved in Genocide before 2002
also. The Mumbai riots post Babri are one example.

So, trying to associate with charity work from VHPA also shows
a certain attitude.

Of course, Sonal being an American can wash her hands off nicely
saying she has nothing to do with Indian politics. That to me is
a convenient stance, typical second generation Indian-American.

The letter above asks Sonal to do more --- help the perpetrators of
Gujarat riot to book.

Would she do anything on that front ? Or will she wash it off
conveniently saying it is India's internal matter?


--- On Sun, 12/14/08, Santosh Helekar <chimbel...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: Santosh Helekar <chimbel...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Sonal Shah renounces VHP affiliation
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Cc: samir_kele...@yahoo.com
> Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 12:59 PM
> --- On Sat, 12/13/08, Samir Kelekar
> <samir_kele...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Even if we went just by Sonal Shah's words, it is
> clear that she did >fund-raising for VHP in 2000 during
> the Gujarat earthquake. The only fact >of Marshall's
> that I am believing here is that she was still associated
> >with VHP after the Gujarat pogrom and even gave speeches
> as its >representative. Now, this fact could be false,
> but Sonal hasnt >explicitely said so.
> > 
> Samir,
> You have to go by her words and those of the people who
> know her. Here is an appeal from eminent Indians who know
> her well, entitled "Politics of innuendo being carried
> out against Sonal Shah"
> http://www.rediff.com/cms/print.jsp?docpath=//news/2008/nov/13sonal-eminent-persons-respond-to-charges.htm
> Here is a latest article in Washington Post in defense of
> her by an Indian American Muslim who is offended by the
> dishonest attacks against her:
> http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/eboo_patel/2008/12/sonal_shah_indian-american_in.html
> For your information, Sonal Shah raised funds not for VHP,
> but on behalf of a consortium of Indian American
> organizations of which the charity VHPA or VHP America was
> one. VHPA is a Hindu American charity registered under 501c3
> classification of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service code. A
> 501c3 organization is prohibited from participating in any
> political activity. The VHPA has donated funds to other
> 501c3 organizations such as the American Red Cross, American
> Cancer Society and Salvation Army.
> Sonal Shah has clarified her charitable work and
> association with these organizations as follows:
> "After the devastating earthquake in Gujarat in 2001,
> I worked on behalf of a consortium of Indian-American
> organizations to raise funds for humanitarian relief. The
> Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America (VHP-A), an independent
> charity associated with the eponymous Indian political
> group, was among these organizations, and it was the only
> one to list my name on its website. I am not affiliated with
> any of these organizations, including the VHP-A, and have
> not worked with any of them since 2001."
> Now unless you don't believe her and believe Marshall,
> who does not know her, instead, the above should answer your
> question as to whether she has been a representative of VHP
> before and/or after the Gujarat pogrom. Now please tell me
> what evidence did Marshall provide you to support your
> assertion that she was a representative of the VHP, and to
> support your other speculations regarding her ideology and
> that she has something to do with Modi.
> Cheers,
> Santosh


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