>  it's amazing to see what people were able to accomplish with 2KB RAM, 
> *one* general-purpose register, no hardware multiply/divide,
Constraints boost creativity and discipline programmer. You may like this 

Today's mainstream programmers of mainstream languages just don't give a 
damn about simplicity or smallness. They don't spend any time for thinking 
a small and elegant design, they just start writing and writing as it's how 
they are taught.

This <http://minnie.tuhs.org/cgi-bin/utree.pl?file=V7/usr/src/cmd/grep.c>is 
grep from unix v7. It's still compiles* and runs perfectly and it's only 
478 sloc. Also see this. <http://aiju.de/misc/sloc>

Go to me is an awesome little house on a beach. I love going to it in the 
> summer. Everything is great about it. Almost. It just doesn't have hot 
> water. I have to heat water myself and carry it for a 1/4 mile every time I 
> want to shower. It's kind of annoying, but not a big deal in itself to make 
> me stop going to the awesome super fun summer house. 

You are not only overestimating generics here, you are also underestimating 
programmers who code in languages without generics, such as C.

**i just needed to replace BSIZE with LBSIZE, it might be a typo.*

On Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 6:10:24 PM UTC+2, DV wrote:
> I think "need" is indeed one of those special words that means different 
> things for different people.
> Go doesn't "need" generics and you technically don't "need" anything 
> except air, water, food, a sharp spear, and shelter, to survive.
> I recently started toying with writing quick-n-dirty programs for the 
> original NES and it's amazing to see what people were able to accomplish 
> with 2KB RAM, *one* general-purpose register, no hardware multiply/divide, 
> etc Heck, it's even *fun* to do some of those things using 6502 assembly 
> from scratch! Doesn't mean I sometimes don't wish for certain 
> quality-of-life improvements with that experience, even though I can 
> definitely do it all from scratch, given infinite free time. 
> Does Go "need" (in the hunter-gatherer sense) generics? Absolutely not! 
> Go to me is an awesome little house on a beach. I love going to it in the 
> summer. Everything is great about it. Almost. It just doesn't have hot 
> water. I have to heat water myself and carry it for a 1/4 mile every time I 
> want to shower. It's kind of annoying, but not a big deal in itself to make 
> me stop going to the awesome super fun summer house. 
> I really like functional programming paradigms for data transformation 
> tasks. I like chaining 
> map(...).reduce(....).filter(.....).skip(.....).drop(....).select(....) 
> etc. and building a nice pipeline through which my data can flow. I *can* 
> do it all with loops, of course. Just like I can carry hot water for a 1/4 
> mile every day. 
> I'd love to be able to write generic compile-time type-safe functions but 
> I can live without them. 
> On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 4:59:55 PM UTC-6, Shawn Milochik wrote:
>> As with every community, there's the silent majority and the vocal 
>> minority. 
>> It's easy to be confused, and think that the lack generics is a major 
>> issue in the Go community. It is *not*.
>> The number 500,000 Go developers worldwide has been thrown around a lot 
>> this month. (https://research.swtch.com/gophercount)
>> Evidently most of them are using Go just fine -- as individuals, at 
>> startups, and at huge companies.
>> At every scale, Go's adoption is amazing and the the projects they're 
>> building are changing the world:
>>    - You don't need generics to write Docker.
>>    - You don't need generics to write Kubernetes.
>>    - We could add so much more to this list, but you get my point.
>> So, let's stop feeding the trolls. The far fewer than 1% of the people 
>> who have not yet taken the time to appreciate Go for what it is, and 
>> therefore find it lacking in comparison to something they have taken the 
>> time to appreciate. I don't mean to belittle those people by calling them 
>> trolls, but they are trolling. I'm sure most of them who give the language 
>> an honest, unbiased try will come around.
>> Imagine if Go programmers went to other language mailing lists and 
>> complained about the lack of goroutines and channels, which clearly make 
>> those other language "unfit for concurrent programming." That would be 
>> equally unhelpful.

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