On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 11:45 AM, <martin.r...@programmfabrik.de> wrote:

> In my everyday programming life a check if an item is inside an Array is
> very common. Often this
> is even built-in syntax (like in Python "if a in array...").
> I will have a hard time selling this missing feature to my team.
> Martin

The Go philosophy is explicitly *not* to give you everything you want.  It
*is* to give you everything you need to build everything you want, like

Every language is different. Any developer worth their salt won't dismiss a
tool out-of-hand for such a trivial reason.

Also, consider the fact that in Python, the same loop is happening. Go just
doesn't hide that from the developer, making it easier for us to reason
about things like performance. You can write your own "find" function in
seconds if you want one.


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