> The Go philosophy is explicitly *not* to give you everything you want.  
> It *is* to give you everything you need to build everything you want, 
> like Lego.

Yeah right, when men still where real men and programmed their own device 

Or take a car, give me parts & tools and I am ready to give you a ride in 
say a year? 

> Every language is different. Any developer worth their salt won't dismiss 
> a tool out-of-hand for such a trivial reason.

No nobody would. But trivial things add up and then people run away or 
never sign up.

I have learnt to never not listen to your (potential) users.

If a new project comes on board of the Go train, people already have to 
wrap their heads around new (admittedly interesting) concepts, they have to 
accept "err != nil" spaghetti, distinction between Array and Slices, make 
and new, and so on.

Personally I got really interested when I died around your standard library 
which I really like and it seems to give us exactly what we need, not too 
much, not too little.

> Also, consider the fact that in Python, the same loop is happening. Go 
> just doesn't hide that from the developer, making it easier for us to 
> reason about things like performance. You can write your own "find" 
> function in seconds if you want one.

It just looks awkward:

    contains := false
    for _, n := range excluded_numbers {
      if byte(m) == n {
        contains = true
    if !contains {

Seriously? 2017?


> -- 
> ☕😎

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