On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 6:08 AM Michael Jones <michael.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been working on a cascade of projects, each needing the next as a part, 
> the most recent being rewriting text.Scanner. It was not a goal, but the 
> existing scanner does not do what I need (recognize Go operators, number 
> types, and more) and my shim code was nearly as big as the standard library 
> scanner itself, so I just sat down an rewrote it cleanly.
> To test beyond hand-crafted edge cases it seemed good to try it against a 
> large body of Go code. I chose the Go 1.13 code base, and because the results 
> are interesting on their own beyond my purpose of code testing, I thought to 
> share what I've noticed as a Github Gist on the subject of the "Go Popularity 
> Contest"—what are the most used types, most referenced packages, most and 
> least popular operators, etc. The data are interesting, but I'll let it speak 
> for itself. Find it here:
> https://gist.github.com/MichaelTJones/ca0fd339401ebbe79b9cbb5044afcfe2

Pretty interesting.  Thanks.

I note that "goto" is more common than "select".  That has to be an
artifact of the code base.


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