On Dec 25, 2020, at 8:48 AM, Henrik Johansson <dahankz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Both Java and C++ has benefited greatly from generics and most of their 
> respective communities wouldn't want them gone. I am pretty sure that's what 
> will happen with Go as well. Can we leave it now before we go from 
> "corruption" to whatever hyperbole is next?

As Simon Peyton Jones has said, static types have been the most *successful* 
program verification technique! The more your types can express what you want 
your programs to do, the more the compiler can check them for you (and reject 
bad programs upfront). If types can be made more expressive (such as with 
generics) *without* making programs more incomprehensible (and less fun) it is 
a win!

As for the "simplicity" argument, he simplicity of user programs should be 
considered even more important than that of the language. That is, can you 
express your programs simply (without having to build in the kitchen sink in 
the language)?

Clearly there are things such as printing/parsing, 
serialization/deserialization, copying, collections, counting elements, more 
general processing of collections, graph algorithms etc. that can benefit from 
generics. Go has builtin support for a few specific generic functions. Things 
like len(), copy(), append(), range, new(), make() etc. But notice how range is 
rather strange. Proper generics support from the beginning might have produced 
a different kind of range. Ideally user defined types should be as first class 
as builtin types (including support for generics). Go falls short in this 
regard (IMHO).

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