The more I look at the proposed generic syntax the more I feel like a texan 
fearing the californian relocation to my state. In other words I am feeling 
like Go had something awesome and extremely conservative going on in terms 
of syntax and because people from other super convoluted languages are 
coming over (which their leaving should say a lot about their said 
language) and they don't have their one "to die for" feature from their old 
language they are expecting us to conform. 

The reality I want to ask is whether any of the designers of the language 
actually want this feature to the point that they want to be looking at 
said feature all day, every day when they are working on other people's 
code, or are they just conforming because so many people are asking for a 
feature, and they feel a desire to give the people what they ask for, 
without considering the fact that the majority doesn't always consider the 
implications of what they ask for? 

I dont intend to go any more political than this, but what im trying to say 
if were going to ruin the language, atleast ruin it in a way where we 
isolate the code where its being ruined, that way when we get to that point 
in the code we know to think "okay this is where things can get screwy". 

What I mean is to just give us an omnipotent "any" builtin type and to make 
those special case functions that get extra attention by the runtime. 

func sort(a, b any){
if a < b{
lots of pre defined magic happens

if a.(type) < a.(type){
lots of compile time magic happens

if the people want magic give them magic, but don't ruin the language for 
the rest of us. 

The current proposals suck and the current proposal is going to be a 
constant reminder that the language sucks now as soon as you put them in. 
The fact that you keep blogging essentially "hey guys were about to put in 
generics... are you absolutely sure..... because we aren't and once we do 
were kind of stuck with it...?"

The answer is simply biological.

If you don't want to then don't. But if you do then put it in already.  

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