On 1/19/21 1:41 PM, Axel Wagner wrote:
>     OK, but using a T all over the place, sucks.
> That is a fair opinion to hold. But if you don't like the current design and
> want an alternative (or nothing at all) to happen, the strategy of just saying
> "it sucks" just isn't going to be very effective towards that goal. Because
> you'll need to actually get specific people on board for that and they are
> unlikely to get swayed by simplistic rhetoric like that.

Sure, but the Go team needs to be realistic and realise that not everyone is on
the salary that they are or can afford the time that they can, or even on a
consistent salary at all (e.g. founder with two jobs). Casual observations are
not worthless and you don't need to have the answers to know something may seem
sub optimal!

I expected a discussed already response.

>> And, of course, you can change the suggested syntax again. But every time you
>> do a change like that, you are flushing the entire previous discussion down
>> the drain, because we now have to re-consider all aspects of the design, from
>> tokenization, over parsing to type-checking and implementation etc.

After ten years of waiting for the "right" generics. This isn't the time to
disregard the option of fundamental changes. On the contrary, being so close to
it, might be blinding (Ian does seem to be open minded however). Seems to me
that most generics implementations use a capital letter abstracted type syntax
that I hate. This is thankfully conservative but isn't exactly thinking outside
the box for an implementation, that is just right. It may be that there are
unavoidable reasons for that abstraction but it looks like needless abstraction,
on the face of it.

p.s. I had already upvoted the proposal actually, as it is certainly well
considered and well constrained.

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