On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 8:33 AM mortdeus <mortd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Are you absolutely SURE you want to keep up the "your not welcome here"
> sign to people who literally find the message to be dangerous to the very
> people they claim to want to protect. Do we really want to encourage an
> opensource culture, where people will literally fork a language just
> because they don't like the political grandstanding going on because the
> people who are supposed to be the smartest people in the world are stupid
> enough to abandon liberal principles for wokeism?

I cannot speak for the Go authors, and I certainly cannot speak for Google,
but I can say for my part that I want a very clear and very bright sign
that racists are not welcome here, no matter how brilliantly they can write
computer programs.


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