Do you think it would be possible to share the BUILD file(s), or a
stripped-down version of it, even privately?
I'd love to see how it compares to Maven and other build systems.

Now back to the CL: given the move to Git soon, which will require some
changes on your side, is it wise to make such a change now? I mean, MOE
[1][2] for instance can very well sync external "src" to internal "java"
("transmogrify" as they call it).
On the other hand, given that the new Git repos will be populated from
Google's internal repo, maybe the answer to the above is "yes", and take
advantage of the repo move to "transmogrify" them back to "src" (along
with rollbacking the changes to the Ant files) outside Google.


On 2012/09/17 19:13:46, skybrian wrote:
This is a good place for an experiment, since in practice, very few
people build the plugins.

The bigger picture is that we don't particularly like BUILD files that
call ant, since they slow down builds for everyone at Google. There's
no reason to rebuild every GWT app and run all the tests because one
Java file in gwt.user changed that most people don't even use.

Outside Google, people seem to prefer Maven, and I expect we won't
want to use that internally either. So I'd like to see if we can just
build GWT code directly. If Google can move away from ant and open
source moves to Maven, we'll end up with two independent build systems
instead of three that are intertwined. (Or four, if you count the
plugin Makefiles. But I doubt we can get rid of those.)

- Brian

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 11:45 AM,  <> wrote:
> So why not do it in the BUILD file the same way the rest of GWT
> which also doesn't have a java directory?


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