Based upon your search criteria, it would seem that learning Flex is
more marketable and therefore would be a better choice.

However, if you are interested in creating solutions that are easier
to code, easier to maintain and easier to integrate (when coming from
a Java background), GWT is a better choice.

That's not intended to sound illogical, that's the nature of the
market today.  Flex has a lot of buzz, always has.  It's perceived as
one of the sexy, highly styled UI web toolkits...and in the hands of
an expert, you can create nice looking web UI's.  But it is just a
tool and in the hands of an amateur, equally amateurish results will

GWT "suffers" from two key points (IMHO).  One, it's targeted at the
Java developer.  People like you.  Boring, non-innovative Java
developers who only know how to do servers and only get excited about
connection pools and OR Maps (tongue in cheek here...)  "Java"
developers don't know how to create UI's and so a tool that allows the
Java developer to create web UI's can't be good.  The second point is
related to the first.  The hard core Javascript guys have been
downtrodden and second-class citizens for years.  Now with AJAX and
the mature libraries that are out there, they've got some time in the
spotlight.  They're a scrappy bunch, that really know their stuff, and
GWT threatens that existence.  "Surely GWT's compiler can't write
Javascript as tight as mine"....that's the mentality.  I speak from
direct experience...I've written 100's of thousands of lines of
Javascript.  But if you're exposed to (or go back to your roots) a
mature development environment, where real object oriented development
patterns are primary, good design is key, but great maintainability,
debuggability and team synergy due to language homogony is paramount,
GWT because it's foundation is Java, is a killer.

Flex is a bit of an anomally, it's not Javascript really, but it's not
Java based either.  When it comes down to what the choice is it's
simple:  is it valuable to your development process to have a second
language stack in your solution?  If your server side is Java, your
client side is either Javascript or Flex (is it still called
Actionscript, it's been a while).  Or you write your server in Java
AND your client in Java, and allow your compiler to optimize the
client code to it's application container...that's what GWT does.
Plain and simple.

So if your criteria is job marketability and what you should learn,
both are the wrong choice.  Look for AJAX in the job descriptions,
there will be zillions.  They will require you to have deep domain
knowledge of Javascript, along with CSS and HTML, plus a solid
understand of JSON and the whole response/request methodology that
XMLHTTP uses.  You should also plan on getting very familiar with a
number of the big libraries, like JQuery, YUI, Prototype,
Scriptaculous, Rico, etc...  You'll also need to know all the various
ways that IE 6, IE 7 & IE 8 are different than Firefox 2, 3 and Safari
are different and how you code for all of these various browsers.

My opinions, not even worth .02 USD, but there you have it.....



On Jan 8, 2:56 pm, j2ee_nyc <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a J2EE developer. I am looking to learn and apply the AJAX
> technology at work and gain a skill that will help me in my career
> going forward.
> I am trying to understand the level of maturity of the GWT framework
> for the entrprise development and how it compares with Adobe Flex
> framework if one wants to build production-ready enterise web
> applications while utilizing J2EE technologies (Spring/Hibenate/JSP/
> JSF) for the middle-tier/server side.
> On one hand, I see a lot of posts here where many developers praise
> GWT as a great UI technology. On the other hand, when I do a search on
> for GWT jobs in New York, NY for the past 30 days, I see only
> 14 jobs that mention GWT and way over a hundred jobs that mention
> Adobe Flex.
> It's a very rough test, but can we assume that Flex is more marketable
> and more in demand on the job market as a UI/AJAX tehcnology? What do
> you think is the outlook for GWT vs Flex for the rest of 2009?
> Thanks
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