One thing I will be interested to see is the effect 
of enableClosureCompiler=true. It does significantly reduce the  JS file 
size in many cases. However, I have read people complaining that the 
resulting code was slower.

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 10:53:21 AM UTC-5, Fabiano Tarlao wrote:
> Il giorno giovedì 7 febbraio 2013 16:14:32 UTC+1, Paul Stockley ha scritto:
>> For sure we release production code with the following flags
>>    - <disableCastChecking>true</disableCastChecking>
>>    - <disableClassMetadata>true</disableClassMetadata>
>> Also you don't specify what version of IE you are testing with, I assume 
>> IE9
> The graph leged doesn't specify, but I have pointed the IE version in the 
> blog post, it is IE9
> Why do tou disable "for sure" that option? Is it for perfromance? What is 
> exactly sure in disablinng Cast checking? 
> Regards
>> On Thursday, February 7, 2013 10:10:54 AM UTC-5, Fabiano Tarlao wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>  in fact I have not specied not used particular optimization arguments.
>>> I have not disabled CastChecking and ClassMetadata, and I have not 
>>> explicitly set the optimization level (but the default is the maximum 
>>> value).
>>> By using defaults my current configuration is:
>>> *GWT Compiler Arguments - *
>>>    - <disableCastChecking>false</disableCastChecking>
>>>    - <disableClassMetadata>false</disableClassMetadata>
>>>    - <enableClosureCompiler>false</enableClosureCompiler>
>>>    - <optimizationLevel>9</optimizationLevel>
>>> *GWT module options in .gwt.xml*
>>> <set-property name="compiler.stackMode" value="native" />
>>> About the  first two options, I dunno know If it is correct to disable 
>>> them in order to do a fair comparison. I suppose that those features should 
>>> be useful in a real production enviroment, am I right?What is you  opinion?
>>> The  only option I'm going to enable in the next benchmark update is the 
>>> new enableClosureCompiler.
>>> I'm open to suggetions and criticism.
>>> Regards
>>> Il giorno mercoledì 6 febbraio 2013 10:21:46 UTC+1, Sachin Shekhar R ha 
>>> scritto:
>>>> I am not sure whether you turned on all GWT compiler arguments and some 
>>>> turn off some Dev specific GWT features. 
>>>> *GWT Compiler Arguments - *
>>>>    - <disableCastChecking>true</disableCastChecking>
>>>>    - <disableClassMetadata>true</disableClassMetadata>
>>>>    - <enableClosureCompiler>true</enableClosureCompiler>
>>>>    - <optimizationLevel>9</optimizationLevel>
>>>> *GWT module options in .gwt.xml*
>>>>    - <set-property name="compiler.stackMode" value="strip" />
>>>> On Sunday, February 3, 2013 6:20:40 AM UTC+5:30, Fabiano Tarlao wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>  I have wrote a simple benchmark suite in java and I have run with 
>>>>> JavaSE 1.7.0 and, thanks to GWT, I have run the same code on 
>>>>> Firefox,Chrome,MSIE and Opera.
>>>>> My results, with the experiment details are published 
>>>>> here:
>>>>> You know, Javascript VM have highly improved recently but how good is 
>>>>> GWT at compiling java into Javascript? And.. how efficient is the GWT 
>>>>> compiled code+JsVM compared to Java bytecode running on a Java Virtual 
>>>>> Machine??
>>>>> I was just curious about.
>>>>> Hope you like this experiment, comments are appreciated.
>>>>> Have fun
>>>>> Fabiano
>>>>> PS:
>>>>> My benchmark is oriented to numeric, data crunching; no multimedia.
>>>>> I'll also release the benchmark code later.. if requested. I'm only a 
>>>>> bit lazy at the moment.

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