On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:53:47 PM UTC+2, Alex Epshteyn wrote:
> Thanks for your comment.  Let me respond to your points:
> 1) I've seen this point discussed before, and the standard 
> counter-argument is that the spirit of OSS is free as in "freedom," not 
> "beer."  Lots of developers get paid to work on OSS projects.
> 2) This is actually one of the reasons I'm thinking about raising funds. 
>  I am already on the verge of using my patch inside my own GWT-based app, 
> but if I get some funding I'd be able to justify taking the extra time to 
> make sure the patch will pass the review process.

+1 to those 2 points.

> 3) I must point out that your third argument is not in the spirit of GWT, 
> which aims to support as many browsers as possible.

That's not entirely true. GWT only ever supported the 4 major browser 
engines: Trident (IE), WebKit (SquirrelFish / V8; aka Safari / Chromium), 
Gecko (Firefox) and Presto (Opera).

Jens is right: we'll soon remove support for IE6 and 7, and then for IE8 
(not long after MS drops support for WinXP).
GWT never really "supported" Opera, and the level of support was only 
against the latest version. Now that Opera is moving from Presto to 
Chromium, that means one less platform to support in the very near future 
(by the next GWT release, but we'll probably keep the "opera" permutation 
along for one more release).

As of today, you will not get good stack traces with GWT on any modern 
> browser, including WebKit.  By "relevant information", I assume you mean 
> sourcemaps support.  Well, Chrome is the only browser that currently 
> supports sourcemaps but GWT's existing support for generating stack traces 
> with that information is very buggy, and this is one of the things I'm 
> working on improving.  I'm also not optimistic that sourcemaps will achieve 
> universal support any time soon, if ever.

Chromium has it for a while (hence Chrome –all platforms–, Opera for 
Android –though what matters is the remote debugger, not the browser– and 
Opera.next), and Firefox is starting to roll it out [1,2] in 23 (currently 
Aurora channel) and I'm told the next Safari should have it too [3].
Will IE ever have it? I believe so, particularly now that MS is pushing 
languages that compile to JS (TypeScript, which can generate sourcemaps). 
Obviously that would only be available in IE11 (or later), but it seems 
like it would be possible to have support in your IDE with the help of an 
IE plugin [4] for IE8/9/10 (would it work in Windows 8 though?)

That said, source maps support in the browser is related to, but different 
from stack trace resymbolization.

[4] http://wiki.eclipse.org/JSDT/Debug/IE

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