Patrick J. LoPresti wrote:

> The solution?  Block all cable/DSL/dialup address ranges.  (This is
> what is for.)  Done.

Thanks for the explanation, Pat. Indeed I am running  a POP proxy, but send 
 SMTP direct via MX record instead of via my ADSL provider's SMTP. 
The reason for that is not wanting to congest their mailserver through 
volume of mail, which has sometimes exceeded 40,000/day. Running a 
local DNS proxy also relieves the load on their DNS, and is far faster. 
I've a fair bit of historical reason to want to do  it this way, having 
been variously flung off or had list traffic tarpitted  by various ISP's. 
This works, causes the ISP (and me:) no trouble.

I'm on fixed IP, behind a NAT router with all ports blocked except the few 
I have opened to run SMTP, POP, FTP & HTTP. There's up to date virus 
checking and spam filtering on incoming mail, and a software firewall to 
nail any trojan activity on the LAN side. Never had a virus nor distributed 
a spam, despite endless  I merely mention all  this  to demonstrate that I 
try  to do things responsibly :)
I'd far prefer to do it all  from a co-located box on a 'proper' 
connection, but it's a non-commercial, enthusiast list which  costs me 
money, and I can't afford that level of expense. Nor do I fancy my chances 
with trying to configure a 'proper' Linux installation to do all this.

But, I DETEST spammers, so I do understand the logic of what you are 
saying,  and the need to intervene with  effective strategies.  However, 
the sort of use I'm making of ADSL is not uncommon, and is likely to become 
 increasingly prevalent. I can't help feeling that heavy-duty techies who 
setup and run big, proper machines with fat pipes  are perhaps just a 
little dismissive or contemptuous of the trickle-down of these technologies 
to the know-nothing hoi-polloi. They'd be furious, I suspect, to find 
themselves stuck in a blocked IP range because of someone else's 
misdemeanours. Really, an IP address is as good as any other, what goes on 
behind it should surely be the test?

An academic point, really ;) since Jeff indicates the problem lays  with my 
header 'to:' field bearing the mail-archive address rather than my list 
address. I'm not sure I can change that, will have to do some digging, but 
that's fair enough. I very much appreciate the mail-archive service.


Tony Sleep -

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