Patrick J. LoPresti wrote:

>  as the little guy can always use his ISP's
> mail server.

If only it was that easy!

c.1998 I set up the filmscanners list using local s/w sending BCC through 
my domain host/ISP, 

c.1999 they asked me to make other arrangements as mail volume was 
contributing to congestion on their permanently iffy server. What they 
really  meant was 'you're using more than you're paying for'. After a lot 
of looking around at commercial hosting services, I handed over 600GBP 
(~1,000USD) for them to host it via Majordomo for a year. I found a few 
commercial services which were cheaper, but none which answered email!

2000  - renewal time, I just didn't have another 600GBP spare. Opened an 
additional business a/c with Plusnet. 30 day 'refund if not happy' trial 
was fine. On day 31 list delivery slowed catastrophically. Two weeks of 
badgering tech  support later, they told me they had  a policy (undeclared 
anywhere) of only  allowing 12 mails to be sent per hour and mine were  
being tarpitted because I was 'obviously sending spam'. Proved that I was 
not. They refused to lift the tarpitting anyway.

Asked around a number of ISP's specifically asking if a list generating up 
to 40,000 mails a day would be a problem. One,, said no problem, 
then promptly shut my new(expensive, business) a/c within  24hrs. without 
telling me. Deja vu. 'You're sending spam'. Again, I demonstrated it was 
purely an opt-in, authenticated hobbbyist list, and they responded that 
anyway, no way would they allow that sort of volume through their server. 
Bye bye.

Next was Again I asked in advance, and they were absolutely fine 
with me sending via MX record. But the cost of the account and  
channel-bonded ISDN was high. A few months later they revised their tariffs 
and it became much more expensive than ADSL, which was 55GBP/m at the time, 

2001 - talked to Alcom (now Astra) about running my list over ADSL through 
their SMTP. They thought it would  'probably' be OK. But rather than risk  
more upheaval and  disaster, I decided I'd just DIY  and take them out of  
the loop.

Now this is just a small list, and in the great scheme of things 
unimportant. It has been *the* global source  of specialist info on 
prosumer filmscanners to thousands of pro photographers. But like an awful 
 lot of the non-shopping-mall net, it has no business model, no sponsors, 
no revenues, and the resources I can expend on it are extremely limited. If 
it was commercial, it would be running off a shiny fast co-lo server 
instead  of a knackered Celeron400 on my darkroom floor. And it would 
probably have its own fancy dedicated archive too, and have no need of a 
pro-bono service like mail-archive.

Why not use Yahoo! groups? It's bl**dy Microsoft world domination, 
administratively awkward, the intrusive ads I find as annoying as spam, and 
they keep revising the T&C's and changing the service.


Tony Sleep -

Gossip mailing list

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