Dear grass users,


since today I’ve the following problem:


starting rgrass7 package in R in the grass7 console I get the following error 


> library(rgrass7)

Lade n├Âtiges Paket: sp

Lade n├Âtiges Paket: XML

Error : .onAttach in attachNamespace() f├╝r 'rgrass7' fehlgeschlagen, Details:

  Aufruf: if (class(t0) != "try-error" && is.character(t0) && nchar(t0) >

  Fehler: Fehlender Wert, wo TRUE/FALSE n├Âtig ist

Fehler: Laden von Paket oder Namensraum f├╝r 'rgrass7' fehlgeschlagen


I tried the following options:


New installation of GRASS7 and R

Updated all packages in R

Installed the package rgrass7 on both sides, in an single R Session and also in 
the R Session inside the GRASS console,


But nothing works.


Is it possible to fix this?

Is there a way to set the namespaces for R or to repair them?


By the way: The same problem seems to be at v.krige in the GUI. I never get 
this addon to work and need to use the kriging interpolation methods.



Thank you for your help,


kind regards, Norbert Zirps.





Norbert  Zirps

Reichenstraße 14

02625 Bautzen

mobil 015774938930


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