Hi Jörg,

> Am 05.02.2018 um 16:39 schrieb joerg Reisenweber <jo...@openmoko.org>:
> On Mon 05 February 2018 09:54:36 rhn wrote:
>> However, not all hope is
>> lost, since Purism and Fairphone both have a strong focus on the hardware,
>> so that could be a meeting point.
> Purism doesn't even have the copyright and thus the permission to share their
> schematics!

Oops. Didn't know that. Well, they could ask for getting a permission to publish
it at some time, but I guess this needs a lot of negotiations (any maybe costs
some money).

> How's that "strong focus on hardware"?

Well, from public perception they are both "phone manufacturers". Even if they
don't have their own fab. But that is very common. FIC did produce for OpenMoko.


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