On Mon 05 February 2018 16:45:17 H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Well, from public perception they are both "phone manufacturers". Even if
> they don't have their own fab. But that is very common. FIC did produce for
> OpenMoko.

Not exactly. Openmoko used a FIC facility (incl workers) to run their PV and 
production. R&D always been with OM, at least as long as I been involved. And 
everybody could get even the NDA'ed glamo-et-al docs by signing a NDA - 
something Purism clearly and explicitly rejected when I asked.
What the company been "labeled" is another topic, related to finances etc.

In my book Purism does clever marketing but not much more. They obviously 
don't have own HW R&D. And they market a mechanical switch plus 4cm wire they 
designed into that OEM product, like it were a scientific breakthrough. Almost 
funny to read how they elaborate about the "difficulties" they had with it.

a clarification: the above and previous statements about their copyright and 
own R&D are based on what I recall their CTO(?) told me in a query on IRC when 
I asked for the schematics to help solve a problem. That's *exactly* where 
OPENNESS starts, or rather *ends* in this case - a blackbox hardware with a 
few *.h files as "documentation" how to use the blackbox is not open, even 
while FSF/RYF seems to think so.

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