The non-existent wall that prevents otherwise intelligent people from
enjoying these delights of Opera and Shakespeare is sewn, here in America anyway, by the anti-intellectual brigade. Those usually sports-soaked numb-nuts that
seem to be "kewl" in school and never really leave college for the rest of
their lives. Ignorance is bliss....I guess.

Actually, my "opera wall" (tee hee) was caused by living, when I was a child, next door to some opera fans. Not only were they generally unpleasant people, but every evening, they played opera music. LOUDLY. And three seasons of the year, they had their windows wide open, so the whole neighboorhood could "enjoy" their music.

I got bettah..  :-)

I've loved Shakespeare since the first time I encountered it. One of my most cherished books is the Complete Works of Shakespeare, which my parents gave me for Christmas when I was sixteen.

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