Good evening all,
Many of the costumers out there will already have heard about 'Am I Period
or Not' (or AIPON for short) but recently the flow of new photo submissions
has slowed to a trickle (we've had one new photo in the last three months),
so for those who have never heard of it or those who have new outfits (or
new photos of old outfits) please consider submitting a photo of your work
and enjoy the virtual adulation of people all across the globe. The
re-enactment season is starting up soon in the Northern Hemisphere so if
you've made something new over the winter send us a photo while it's still
pristine so in a few years time you can show people how good it used to look
before it got dragged through the mud, torn, mended, mysteriously stained
etc. ;-)
If you have a photo of a costume you have made, from any period of history,
please submit it to 'Am I Period Or Not' . The 16th century costumers still
seem to be the most productive set (with more photos submitted than any
other era), with the 19th century a close second. But there are so many
other styles out there and it would be fabulous if we could see what
costumers have been doing in all eras (even ones that never really existed
like Lord of the Rings). Our Dark Ages and Byzantine section remains sadly
empty, but I know there are a lot of Viking costumers who do some
spectacular work (of course the section is not just for Vikings but Viking
history is very popular with re-enactors).
Please pass this on to anybody you think would be interested, after all it's
much quicker and simpler to email a photo to us (see for submission rules) than
setting up your own webpage (even if you do have your own webpage you can
always put photos of your work on AIPON and include a link to your webpage
to give people the full story).
If you are unfamiliar with the concept here's a brief summary: People send
in photos of the historical costumes they've made, the photos are loaded
onto a website where people can view them, vote on how period accurate they
are (or in the case of fantasy creations how creative or accurate to what
they are recreating) and leave comments. While the original site (run by
Kirrily Roberts a few years ago) was for pre 1600 costume only The New Am I
Period Or Not website covers the fashions of any era you like, from the
first civilisations to the day before yesterday (plus imaginary eras).
The comments on the website are monitored and any offensive content will be
removed as soon as we (the moderating team) are aware of it, we can't
guarantee that such comments won't be posted but we can guarantee that we
will do our best to keep on top of it and remove comments as soon as
I hope to see a flood of new and interesting photos in response to this
Elizabeth Walpole
Canberra Australia

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