I actually don't see much difference where I am in the inventories carried by 
Hancock's, Jo-Ann's and the fabric sections of Beverlee's. All of them are now 
about half-and-half fabric and "crafts." While each of them has some things the 
others don't, that means they are in _more_ direct competition than ever 
before. That doesn't bode well for all of the chains surviving.

I went into the local Hancock's lately (about four blocks from where I work -- 
not the one on Florin Road) and noticed that they now have a certain number of 
"prime" seasonal fabrics up front -- silks, crepes and so forth -- and then the 
rest of the fabric section is all flat folded or discounted fabrics. That's not 
a good sign either.... but I like the store because it's been run locally by a 
very nice group of staff and a manager who's both friendly and competent.

0  Chris Laning
+  Davis, California
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