taken from SCA-Garb (at) yahoogroups.com (I mentioned this at A&S the other night and as people asked for a copy here it is)

Responses to the question at the fabric shop "So what are you making?" (only
to be used if those serving you are rude or make it obvious that they are
uninterested and only asking because management tells them they have to, or
they know you and will understand that you're joking)
Posted with permission

On Sat Apr 8, 2006 7:25 am ciorstan wrote

So far the answers have been one of these:

"I'm a compulsive fabric hoarder and this is to add to my collection. Do you
have any referrals for a 12-Step Program for fabricaholics?"

"I dunno. I'm going to pet it for a while and see if it purrs."

"Something. I don't know yet. The fabric voices aren't speaking to me right

"Not sure yet, but I intend to take this home and roll and shed all over it
so my cats know it's MINE."


Sat Apr 8, 2006 7:40 pm  Laurnesa responded:

What are you going to do with this?

Me (happily) "I'm going to HAVE it!"

OR " I'm going to take it home and pet it and play with it and love it and I
will call it George"

The caveat being that they know me at the one I frequent, as I spent about
six months working in the other store that used to be in town, they like me,
and they know darn well that it's a costume.


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