Online color guides are also useful if they contain named period colors, since there are quite a few color names that give the uninitiated *no* clue as to which part of the spectrum the color is in. I was a bit disappointed not to see either "Dead Spaniard" or "Goose-turd green" when I looked at the linked site. ;)

For that sort of use, the colors don't have to be 100% precise, just close.

I was interested to see that it did have "Alice blue" which is apparently a notoriously difficult shade to describe using words alone. I would think that this sort of color guide would also be useful for someone trying to describe the shade that quilters refer to as "that Thirties green," which is quite distinctive once you see it, but which tends not to show up in modern color guides.


O    Chris Laning <> - Davis, California
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