Hi Sylvia:

I've worked with a professional grader, and it was very easy and surprisingly inexpensive. I sent her digital files, but you can also send them paper patterns. If the grader works with a computer program, as most of them do these days, you or she can have the paper patterns digitized by a mail in service for a few dollars.

Unless you have absolutely top-notch patternmaking skills, it's worthwhile to pay a patternmaker (sometimes the same person/business as the grader, sometimes not) to clean up your patterns and make them more efficient for the grading process.

If you google "Pattern Grading Service" you'll find quite a few. You'll probably have to make a number of phone calls to find one that wants to work with you. Most of them are geared to garment production patterns, which are very different from home sewing patterns. A lot of them don't want to work on a small scale, but there are some out there who will.

I can't make any recommendations of specific services, as my previous grader has closed her business while she gets her own fashion line off the ground. I'm working with a new one but haven't yet seen the results, so I don't feel ready to make a recommendation.

Be aware that there is at least one pattern grading service out there that's marketing to new designers, and they are charging rates that are more than TEN TIMES the norm.

Here's an excellent blog post about grading services: 

Good luck!

Margo Anderson
h-costume mailing list

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