On 2/4/07, guy keren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
and then you'll come and say "oh, we need to give the lecture about
debugging and developing on linux". wasn't it already agreed to re-run
it for the spring semester students?

Well, definitely, but this isn't what I had in mind. I was thinking
more along the lines of "there's this thing called Linux, and you'll
be using it this semester, and you'll hear lots of horror stories, but
here are a few cool things about it" - proceed to show off stuff like
desktop environments, package management, Beryl, LiveCDs... Stick a
bit of lightweight F/OSS ideology and history in there... that is,
something to make the people feel more at ease with Linux. Otherwise
the clash with the unknowns of the commandline one experiences in
Matam is often all that it takes to keep him locked in Proprietaria

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