Hi folks,

this is just a quick mail to let you know that I've just merged the recent
work from my coworker Thierry Fournier (in Cc) about supporting Lua scripting
in haproxy. I won't go into lengths explaining how that's supposed to be used
because I don't really know myself, but I'll let him provide some explanations
and working examples. The real purpose would be to get some feedback,
suggestions, criticisms to get further into this.

At the moment it is possible to declare some Lua-based sample fetch functions,
some converters as well and even to create new tcp-request and http-req/resp
actions. These last ones (the actions) support yielding so that it is possible
to make blocking calls from the Lua code and benefit from haproxy's native
session management and scheduling to switch to something else while things
are making progress. Thus the whole system is totally non-blocking and
event-driven, even if in Lua you appear to be blocking.

The long term goal is to be able to quickly provide some features that are
not yet possible natively, and eventually to implement some of them natively
if they're often requested or have a performance impact. Some of the most
complex parts such as writing authentication systems relying on side-traffic
would possibly remain written in Lua only, except if we manage to see a big
use of certain things and we see a way to implement them cleanly.

Thierry is busy these days, and that's why I asked him to push his code
prior to switching to other tasks despite the doc not being there yet. So
it's possible we'll have to wait a bit for some doc, but we'll really value
testing, bug reports and feedback. Nothing is set in stone yet, he does have
some ideas on how to improve things. I do still have some concerns about
long-term stability and resource usage, as you can expect. So use it as a
toy first, play with it and tell us if you like it or not, and if not, why.


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