Hi all,

we've fixed several bugs since -dev4 so in order to encourage people to
safely test the code, here comes -dev5.

The changelog is reasonably short and is composed of cleanups and bug
fixes only. Here are the bugfixes :

$ git log --oneline v1.6-dev4.. |grep BUG
f778bb4 BUG/MINOR: DNS request retry counter used for retry only
5554e29 BUG/MINOR: lua: last log character truncated.
07101d5 BUG/MEDIUM: dns: use the correct server hostname when resolving
9f69f46 BUG/MINOR: tools: make str2sa_range() report unresolvable addresses
11c4e4e BUG/MAJOR: dns: dns client resolution infinite loop
f0d9370 BUG/MEDIUM: dns: DNS resolution doesn't start
9c03b33 BUG/MAJOR: http: don't call http_send_name_header() after an error
316e319 BUG/MEDIUM: lua: outgoing connection was broken since 1.6-dev2 (bis)
b7ce424 BUG/MINOR: http: remove stupid HTTP_METH_NONE entry
bd99d58 BUG/MAJOR: http: don't manipulate the server connection if it's killed

There are 3 major ones, an infinite loop in DNS response processing, a crash
when facing 401/407 with http-server-close, and YABWSNH (yet another bug with
send-name-header) also affecting 1.5 and 1.4. This last one was fixed in these
two branches as well, but I'd rather wait for a bit more feedback on 1.6 to know
if other fixes need to be backported to 1.5 before issuing another release.

Overall we're stabilizing quite well and I'm very satisfied with the nature of
the bugs we're discovering right now. The remaining code being reviewed has
no impact on existing features so it's not dramatic if its merged late in the
cycle. I'd like to issue dev6 with everything ready early next week, and if
everything goes well, -final the week after, before I go to kernel-recipes.

Don't forget to test and report success or failure. If you have any pending
fix waiting on your side, please send it before the release.

Usual URLs below :
    Site index       : http://www.haproxy.org/
    Sources          : http://www.haproxy.org/download/1.6/src/devel/
    Git repository   : http://git.haproxy.org/git/haproxy.git/
    Git Web browsing : http://git.haproxy.org/?p=haproxy.git
    Changelog        : http://www.haproxy.org/download/1.6/src/CHANGELOG
    Cyril's HTML doc : http://cbonte.github.com/haproxy-dconv/intro-1.6.html
    Cyril's HTML doc : 


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