
On Tue, Jun 27, Velmurugan Dhakshnamoorthy wrote:
> The HAProxy 1.6.12 has been implemented on Red Hat Linux 7.2(3.10) and we
> have set the maxconn to 100 in listen block(front-end). Our objective is to
> queue connections more than 100 into linux kernel syn log until the
> established connection are freed.
> while user connections > 100 in queue, we would like to display some kind
> of custom browser message to end users, so that they will know if slowness
> is due to heavy traffic and intentional, is there any way to display custom
> message while connections are queued.

Hmm, I don't think you can send custom message if the client's
connection is waiting for kernel syn... ?

But perhaps you can use minconn/maxconn/fullconn/timeout queue and

So something like this(untested):
frontend ...
 errorfile 200 /path/to/your_queuefull.html
 acl queue_full queue(your_backend) gt 100
 http-request deny deny_status 200 if queue_full
 # or instead of http-request deny
 #use_backend BE_queuefull if queue_full
 # and BE_queuefull has custom 503 errorfile containing custom message.


Jarno Huuskonen - System Administrator     |  jarno.huuskonen atsign uef.fi

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