Apologize,  my intent is not to annoy anyone,  I came across one of the
post from Willy explaining the different  behaviour when setting maxconn in
front-end and back-end,  just want to check if anyone else has done this
kind of  custom message display when setting maxconn in front-end as we are
in the cut over phase,  I am not aware this email group and discourse forum
are same.

Apologies again.

On Jun 28, 2017 12:34 AM, "Lukas Tribus" <lu...@gmx.net> wrote:


Am 27.06.2017 um 12:04 schrieb Velmurugan Dhakshnamoorthy:
> Dear,
> The HAProxy 1.6.12 has been implemented on Red Hat Linux 7.2(3.10) and we
have set the maxconn to 100 in listen block(front-end). Our objective is to
queue connections more than 100 into linux kernel syn log until the
established connection are freed.
> while user connections > 100 in queue, we would like to display some kind
of custom browser message to end users, so that they will know if slowness
is due to heavy traffic and intentional, is there any way to display custom
message while connections are queued.
> your help is much appreciated. Please let me know for any further details.
> HAProxy 1.6.12
> RHEL 7.2
> Weblogic 12c (back end server)

You are triple cross-posting now, nice!



Is there anything that has been answered 3 times already, or do you just
like to annoy other people?

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