On Thu, Mar 01, 2018 at 02:29:57PM +0000, Pieter Vogelaar wrote:
> Hi Willy,
> We use Memcached Session Manager that stores the Tomcat sessions to a 
> Couchbase cluster. It suffixes the session ID with "-n1" like:
> JSESSIONID=s01~1C7985929CDF981D9ACC79EBD8A3293D-n1
> Could this JSESSIONID format somehow have impact on HAProxy?

No, that's fine, but my point is : are you certain it is present in your
browser's request when you get the 503 ? If the 3 char of the termination
flags in the logs indicates '-' or 'N', it means it's absent. Or if you
can run haproxy in debug mode (with -d), you will see all requests on the
screen and it will be easy to tell whether the cookie is there or not.


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