On 26/02/10 06:45, Przemysław Czerpak wrote:
On Thu, 25 Feb 2010, Barry Jackson wrote:


Right now implementing NG format oriented hbQT's help.
Anyone found an NG reader (that works) for Linux?

I'm using Expert Guide from Dave Person.

best regards,

Thanks Przemek - I tried that ages ago with no joy, but if you use it then I must be doing sth wrong!

Pressing "d" or "D" gives :-

"Scanning for Norton Guides...Aborted" and it drops back to command line.

I have :-
..tried changing ownership and permissions on the ng files and the extensions to lower case.
..tried deleting ~/.eg*

I would rather the files were in ~/norton-guides/ but I can't see how to change it's default away from /usr/share/norton-guides/

If I move /usr/share/norton-guides/ to /usr/local/share/norton-guides/ it just won't run at all :-
Can't open '/usr/share/norton-guides/eg.ng': No such file or directory

Any tips ? :-(

[...@jackodesktop ~]$ eg -v
Expert Guide Version 1.00

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