EGYPT  Both 9569.997  and 9604.592  were switched OFF exact at 20.00 UT.

R Cairo in French at 2003 UT heard a very low modulated signal on
9894.579 kHz. S=9+35dB powerhouse here in southern Germany. Flute and drums traditional Arabic orchestra performed. 22 kHz wideband signal seen on Perseus software screen.
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Radio Cairo still on the air?

Now at 1949 UT Russian 9604.592 kHz is much better stronger modulated, little scratchy sound,
but on 'understandable' level.

German sce on 9569.997 kHz is still under-modulated at 1951 UT. 73 wb

At 19.34 UT still on air both,

Russian 9604.592 kHz, forget to tell tremendous signal strength of + S=9+45dB powerhouse and more.

German sce 9569.997 on little less S=9+35dB powerful signal tonight.

73 wb
btw. VoGreece Avlis little lesser signal of S=9 strength,
on 9420even kHz frequency at 1937 UT, heard lovely Greek folk music program tonight.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" :
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Radio Cairo still on the air?

EGYPT   R Cairo on air on two channels tonight.

At 1850 UT heard a very low(5 % only) modulated signal on
9489.996 kHz. S=9+35dB powerhouse here in southern Germany.

Arab song group traditionell of R Cairo music of 40 years ago.
Transmission lasted still at 19 UT when German language ID and
R Cairo time schedule heard til 19.00:49 UT

9490 1800 1900 28      ABS  200 325 211  Ita    EGY ERU
9570 1900 2000 27,28   ABS  200 325 211  Deu    EGY ERU
9605 1900 2000 29      ABS  250 5   146  Rus    EGY ERU

Now from 19.01 UT  on 9569.997 kHz German language and
very odd frequency of 9604.592 kHz Russian section on air.

73 wb

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