Wow.  Must be mostly lurkers...

On Jan 10, 2008 12:34 AM, Rick Glazier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No problem.
> As far as other answers, there were none,
> so it does not happen much, or nobody tried it...
> We have 3078 members...
> (Not a typo, yes - it is up +8 since this morning, <grin>)
>                              Rick Glazier
> From: "FORC5"
> > BTW thanks for the invite to the user group. I will take advantage of
> it.
> > fp
> Rick had said:
> >>If you have additional questions, please join... (It will be faster for
> you... <grin>)
> >>(I just sent a "slipstreamed" invite.)

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